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November 25, 2008

Love Depression Makes Me Feel Cold. .....

Depression is inevitable if you love someone very much and that person either does not love you the same way or there are few hurdles that hinder you to be together. Love actually transforms you into a slave or completely dominates over you. This kind of feeling is actually a disease that hits you badly. You become weak and also dependent on your beloved. When this person does not care for you, you feel upset and all alone. Love is truly wonderful when it is reciprocal and the person you love is very nice, caring and ready to give you anything you want. This would be the ideal recognition of your dreams!

However, reality is different and far away from the perfection... You can have couple of problems. You actually don't know whether this person really loves you or not. Some times the person also does not come up to your expectations, which ultimately creates problems.

You may also enter into a relationship that you have never dreamt of. You can feel this, because the person you love does not care for you as much as you do or maybe because their personality is immature, selfish and mysterious. This type of person is not the one that you desire. Since you are in love, so you ignore these things in good faith and hope that he or she will change and care for you, share life with you, etc. Actually nothing changes as per your good wishes.

Dreams are very meaningful. Dreams produce important messages of the unconscious side of your psychic sphere that guides you and protects you from the craziness that you already inherit in the wild side of your conscience. It actually remains in its original pattern without the change in conscious. Love makes you very sensitive and irrational. You therefore make several mistakes, which you must avoid. The unconscious is well aware that love plays a very important role in your life, so it transmits several dreams to you with specific information about the person whom you love. The purpose of this information is to protect you, keep your human conscience alive and also develop it in the best possible manner.

When you are in love, you need protection and guidance to direct you, what to do. You need this direly, as you are depending on the behaviour of a very special person for you. If not , you feel very weak and drained.



November 20, 2008

What "HE" Wants Actually...

That was the only time i met him and the last time i chated to him. Few weeks later and you still havent talked to him but you found his myspace and you wanted to ask him a question, instead of saying hey whats up because i wanted the conversation to be interesting, i wanted him to say something that is worth talking about. the reason i still keep in touch with him it is because im interested on him , he’s all you ever think about but he’s few years older than me and you’re not so sure if he feels the same way. I just want the conversation to be interesting. what do i ask him?

I know i probably thinking i can’t love someone who only met once... webcam...etc... Sometimes you might feel helpless and you feel heart break when you think of him.. It just like , you wish to have him in your life. But it is impossible unless there's miracle appear.

... What guys want..

They will prefer a girl with a sense of humor as well as someone who can laugh at herself in the face of embarrassment. A girl who doesn't get jealous of other women (and trust me men will look, you can't stop this genetic problem, as long as they don't 'look' for too long and they DO NOT touch) and a girl who is physically into her man. A girl who is friendly and gets on well with his friends, but not so well that he may feel threatened by it. Guys like a girl who is able to support herself. This doesn't mean you need to be a millionaire, it just means you don't have your hand out expecting him to bail you out of your financial troubles as soon as you get together. Most men are attracted to a girl who is independent. It shows strength of character.

Besides that, a girl who doesn't continually worry about her weight, what's she's eating and complaining that she's overweight. The guys I interviewed said it's not a girl's size that counts, it's whether she could pull off a great personality. Apparently weight issues annoy them very much. So gals' get over it and love yourself for who you are!! The guys will love you too! For a girl who respects the time 'he' needs with his friends. As you need with yours, this is what guys like too.

Now I want to tell all you girls out there that although we should not conform to what a male wants, we should consider the male perspective (especially about the weight). Sometimes men can be right. Sometimes women can be right. Many of the needs outlined are pretty cool really! These guys were all refreshingly level headed.

It seems, most guys want a fun, passionate, well adjusted, independent girl who's not too scared to try new things. And really for most girls, that's what we strive to be anyway (so they can't be that far off the mark, can they?)

So there's hope for us all!

Natalie .. 21/11/08

November 11, 2008

What Girls Want ??

A girl wants a man. A wealthy man, a successful men, a famous man, an interesting man, a macho, a talented man, a loving man, a man she loves, a father for her children, a friend, a sex-machine – details may differ, but the main point stays the same. She wants a man. Some females want just money or a career, but if she denies her willingness to meet a real man – she lies. Moreover, girl’s demands to what she calls a good man vary as she gets older.

A girl of 22 wants a prince on a white horse. A girl may claim she’s realistic and doesn’t look on the world through the pink glasses, but she’ll never confess dreaming of an ideal man. He’s got to be handsome, charming, popular. He’s got to be rich - probably not so rich, but always in funds. Of course, he’s got to be generous to spend money on her. He’s got to be smart, brilliantly smart– to some girls it’s even more important than being very handsome, but of course his mind is never more important than his purse. He’s got to have a great sense of humor, to be athletic, stylish, romantic and a good listener, tender lover and... well, the list of his qualities can be prolonged on and on. A girl wants a man to adore her and to make her the goddess with flowers, gifts and promises of eternal love laid at her feet.

A girl of 32 wants just a good man. She has finally taken off those pink glasses and got rid of romantic fantasies. So her good man mustn’t be a hero – he is good-looking, has good manners, a well-paid job, a good car, a good house, and a good sum of money on a credit card. Also he carries bags from supermarket, likes her home-cooked dinners, laughs at her jokes, remembers the most important dates – like her mom’s birthday, and able to express tenderness not less than one time per week. Such a nice domestic kind of a good man.

A girl of 42 wants just a man. That ordinary kind of man is not a movie star, he even has a belly instead of muscles– good if the shirt covers it all; sometimes a head lacking hair, but still isn’t too disgusting. He shaves by the weekends, is still “athletic” enough to do some housework, remembers where to laugh in the jokes, nods to show he’s listening, takes her out once a month, drives her to the supermarket and back, doesn’t set the car in motion until all women’s parts of body are in, and puts the water-closet pan’s seat down.

A girl of 52 wants... well she just lives with that man. It’s really nice if he remembers her name, shaves during weekends, sometimes gets a haircut, changes underwear and socks regularly, borrows money not too often, tries to behave himself in public. It’s great if he also finds the strength to leave the coach for some weekends, notices delicious dinner while watching TV, doesn’t always fall asleep while listening to a person. By this age a woman doesn’t expect much, in fact she asks for the very minimum.

A girl of 62 wants a man who won’t disturb her too often. She’s a lucky one, if he’s not too scary to make his own grandchildren cry, if he still remembers where the bathroom is, where his teeth are, what month it is, who this woman is, what he is laughing at, and etc. A woman will appreciate his ability to get up, dress properly without much help from her side. The top of all dreams is if it doesn’t cost a lot to keep that man, and if there are some places in the house, where his snore doesn’t reach.

A girl of 72... well, some “girls” do live that long, but what about men? Are you sure he’s still breathing? And he doesn’t leave puddles in the water-closet? Oh, that’s a real treasure for a tired girl of 72.

Most relationships wouldn't last if there wasn't a reason as well as the love.

Sure, love can be a reason, but what reason is, isn't necessarily described in words.

Affection, and how people are happy around each other. These feelings, when they are felt bothways, then there is hope for lasting relationships, and reason is what makes these feelings last. True reason, that is. If 'reason', like say, money, is a reason to love, that is wrong and not reason nor love, simply greed.

Good Luck .

Natalie 12/11/08

November 6, 2008


.... Words from HIM .......

" Listen! I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, i will come into his house and eat with him, and he will eat with Me, Jesus. "

November 4, 2008

Love & Friendships

Platonic love is very much a part of any close friendship. But such a love doesn't always stay platonic. Sometimes it turns into passionate love. Crossing that line, between friendship and love, can be both beautiful and extremely difficult.

Friendship is a marvelous gift. But, sometimes, it's not the whole of what we have to offer.
